Only $10/month (or $120 annually) supports the training of a leader in a church-based Missio Global School of Ministry in one of 15 nations!
Help Train Hundreds of More Leaders in 2025!
We have already launched many new Schools of Ministry in 2025 with hundreds of new students. These students will in turn reach and make hundreds of more disciples of Christ.
We need more ministry partners to help support the training.
How many leaders could you help train at $10/month each?
The students receive in-person training in their own community, in their own language, at a minimal cost.
During their time of training each student shares the Good News of Jesus at least once a month and disciples at least one new believer every year!
Some graduates go on to plant a new church and see many more lives transformed.
Become a Global Reach partner and invest in discipling the nations!
Just $1 a day ($30/month) supports the training of THREE leaders.
Perhaps you could support the training of SIX leaders ($60/month)
Or even TEN leaders every month ($100/month)!
Every student in a Missio Global School of Ministry has a prayer list of people who need Jesus. Tarciana and other students in Brazil were praying together early in the mornings and one day a young woman who was not saved joined them. God began to touch her heart. After a few months this young woman's cousin was killed in a motorcycle accident. Tarciana continued to pray for her, asking God that she wouldn’t die without knowing Him. Shortly after, this friend was at church and the pastor preached on Judges 6 (Gideon). God spoke powerfully with the young woman and she went forward weeping to receive Christ. There is nothing like the heartfelt joy of new life in Jesus! (All Schools of Ministry in Brazil have the materials fully translated into Portuguese.)
How would you reach an island of over 500,000 people that is 1% Christian? Begin by making disciples and training leaders! That is what Pastor Nkuba is doing because the three-year Missio Global School of Ministry is available to him in his language of Swahili. Every student will share the Gospel at least three times a quarter and be trained right in their own church to be a minister so they can reach their community!
Pastor Nkuba can effectively give this training to his leaders and church members because he received the training already from his leader! Pastor Nkuba's leader, Bishop Charles, has been training leaders and church planters for seven years using the Missio Global School of Ministry program on the main island of this multi-island nation of about 1.7 million people. (All Schools of Ministry in this nation have the materials fully translated into Swahili.)
At the last count, there were 61 church-based Schools of Ministry in 13 nations with nearly 1,100 students. These students have reached over 400 people with the Good News of the Kingdom in just this year through their project assignments. Also, 29 new churches have been planted by Missio Global School of Ministry graduates. Plus, several churches are using only our discipleship materials. So more disciples are being made through those churches as well.
Absolutely yes, even in the United States! Many churches choose to first implement our discipleship material before they launch a School of Ministry. Please contact us and we will connect you with the Missio Global representative in your region so you can learn more. Missio Global is here to partner with you!
There are three main ways you can take action -- Pray, Give, Go:
PRAY - There are a couple very practical ways that you can pray for the growing impact of Missio Global.
GIVE - We have some key ongoing special projects to which you can contribute, especially Translations of material and Church Planting. We also always need ongoing financial partners to help us establish more Schools of Ministry in more nations to reach more people.
GO - We want to help you go and make disciples right where you are. But if you are truly adventurous, talk to us about going on an international trip with us.