Over 120 churches in 15 nations on 4 continents host their own School of Ministry right in their church. About 2,000 students are being trained to make disciples and become impactful leaders right in their communities.
Click for video overview of the School of Ministry
The MGSOM is an accessible and effective training program that is based in the local church. It is a proven tool that churches use to equip their members and develop emerging leaders. The students learn from the experience and wisdom of their leaders.
Training leaders is truly one of the most effective ways to impact a community and nation. Each of the church-based Schools of Ministry has 17 students on average. Each student is expected to share the gospel 12 times a year. That means the gospel is being shared 204 times in every School of Ministry. With 120+ Schools and about 2,000 students, the gospel is being shared over 24,000 times a year! Plus, every student has a goal of discipling at least one person a year.
Missio Global School of Ministry graduates in Liberia (West Africa)
A Missio Global School of Ministry in Brazil (South America)
MGSOM enables local church leadership to equip and mentor developing leaders in their church in the same way that Jesus trained his twelve disciples.
The classes are taught by the local church leadership. It is not video-based training.
MGSOM is a School of Ministry, not just a Bible course. The host church is the laboratory where students serve and complete ministry projects under the supervision of the local church leadership.
The curriculum provides a very thorough and balanced training experience by focusing on three domains of learning – what we call knowing, doing, and being.
Because MGSOM is church-based and utilizes the resources of the local church, including the pastor and leaders, it facilitates the growth and spiritual maturing of the host church at a minimal cost.
It is a one or three-year program designed to fit into the busy schedule of a local church. Classes are typically one day a week for four quarters a year.
For Schools of Ministry in the USA, college transfer credit is available with Summit Bible College in Bakersfield, California.
Quarter 1
Understanding the Old Testament
Personal Evangelism
Who I am in Christ
Quarter 2
Understanding the New Testament
Discipleship and Mentoring
Life in the Spirit
Quarter 3
Basic Bible Doctrines
Leading Small Groups
Hearing the Voice of God
Quarter 4
World Religions and Cults
Financial Freedom
Spiritual Gifts
Quarter 5
Old Testament Survey I
Bible Exegesis & Hermeneutics
Marriage and the Family
Quarter 6
Old Testament Survey II
Preparing a Biblical Message - Preaching I
Ministering Supernaturally
Quarter 7
New Testament Survey I
Delivering a Biblical Message - Preaching II
Character Qualities of a Leader
Quarter 8
New Testament Survey II
Pastoral Ministry
Christian Counseling
Quarter 9
Theology I: The Revelation of God
The Process of Leadership Development
Conflict Resolution
Quarter 10
Theology II: Sinful and Sinless Man
Principles of Effective Leadership
Spiritual Warfare
Quarter 11
Theology III: Life in Christ
Leadership Multiplication
Initiating a New Church or Ministry
Quarter 12
Theology IV: The Last Days
Ministry Growth Strategies and Administration
World Missions and Culture
Jesus was very clear when he gave the mission to the church—Go and disciple the nations. This is truly the mission of every church and every disciple of Jesus in every nation at all times until Jesus returns.
How well do our church activities reflect this mission? Are we effectively making disciples who can impact our communities and cultures?
Thinking about “atomic” discipleship may lead one to imagine explosive growth. In the long-run this is true. But atomic is also defined as "very small, infinitesimal.”
The most basic element of the Great Commission is one disciple sharing the good news with another person and then helping the new disciple grow and do the same thing with others.
Just like the atom, discipleship is the most basic element of the church that also brings the greatest impact for transformation!
This books serves as a manual for developing an equipping pathway in a local church for biblical discipleship and leadership training.
Church leaders are called to equip their people for the work of ministry. The local church is the most effective place to prepare disciples to fulfill their call to transform their neighborhoods and even the nations!
At the last count, there were 61 church-based Schools of Ministry in 13 nations with nearly 1,100 students. These students have reached over 400 people with the Good News of the Kingdom in just this year through their project assignments. Also, 29 new churches have been planted by Missio Global School of Ministry graduates. Plus, several churches are using only our discipleship materials. So more disciples are being made through those churches as well.
Absolutely yes, even in the United States! Many churches choose to first implement our discipleship material before they launch a School of Ministry. Please contact us and we will connect you with the Missio Global representative in your region so you can learn more. Missio Global is here to partner with you!
There are three main ways you can take action -- Pray, Give, Go:
PRAY - There are a couple very practical ways that you can pray for the growing impact of Missio Global.
GIVE - We have some key ongoing special projects to which you can contribute, especially Translations of material and Church Planting. We also always need ongoing financial partners to help us establish more Schools of Ministry in more nations to reach more people.
GO - We want to help you go and make disciples right where you are. But if you are truly adventurous, talk to us about going on an international trip with us.