What if...

...essential discipleship and critical ministry training weren't accessible in every corner of the world?

Who would not hear the Gospel?

Who would not receive discipleship?

How many potential ministry leaders wouldn't receive training?

Mature disciples and equipped leaders could bring transformation to their communities and nations, but much of the world still does not have access to inexpensive and effective discipleship and leadership training. There is a solution!

The solution is to empower local churches worldwide!

Currently over 80 churches in 14 nations operate a church-based Missio Global School of Ministry. Local church leaders are training their people right in their church!

Right now 1,500 students are being trained in the Schools of Ministry resulting in hundreds of people being reached and discipled, and dozens of churches being planted.

You can reach thousands more for Jesus!

First Missio Global School of Ministry among the Quisapincha people of Ecuador

New Believers Being Discipled


Leaders Being Trained in 80 Schools of Ministry


(340 diploma graduates)

Churches Planted by Graduates


Resources for Transformation


Did you know that 80% of new believers fall away within 90 days if not discipled by a mature Christian?

What if... you could invert that trend to 80% of new believers grow and become disciple makers? You can personally use our effective study guides and also distribute the material around the world to make disciple makers!

Discipleship in Zanzibar, Tanzania (East Africa)

A church-based Missio Global School of Ministry in Panama (Central America)

Leadership Training

Did you know at least 90% of church leaders worldwide do not have adequate training, many with no training at all?

What if...you took quality training to them in their own language? Missio Global helps churches establish and run a School of Ministry right in their church. The accessible and effective training program is a proven tool to equip disciples and develop leaders. You can help more churches start a School of Ministry to train more leaders to reach their nations!

Church Planting

Did you know that 60%-80% of new believers come to faith in Christ in churches that are less than two years old?

What if...you could help churches who have a School of Ministry send trained leaders to plant churches? Graduates of an MGSOM are eligible to apply for church planting funds. These start-up "seed" funds last for one year and help the new church acquire basic resources for a successful launch.

A church plant in Brazil (South America)

A School of Ministry in the USA

For Church Leaders in USA

Please consider how you could utilize our discipleship and leadership training resources in your church here in the USA. By hosting a Missio Global School of Ministry you could effectively equip leaders in an unprecedated manner and take the church to a new level. Take a look at our Discipleship and Leadership Training pages. We would be more than happy to answer all your questions. Please contact us.


Pastor Juan Mario Herrero

Roca de Vida Church

Panama City, Panama

"Using Missio Global’s curriculum in our School of Ministry has made the weekly preparation process for our teachers very doable with our already busy schedules. Without reservation, I recommend this partnership to any pastor who wants to take their people and church to another level."

Pastors Jim & Kelly Tuttle
Faith Chapel, Syracuse, NY, USA

"What we have received from Missio Global is very powerful. It has helped us train our leaders, and our churches have grown. It allows us to keep planting churches in this difficult area. It is truly a gift of God to us."

Bishop Charles Kiyengo

A church planting pastor in a region in Africa that is less than 2% Christian

International Impact

Missio Global is active in these nations:

North America:

  • United States of America

Central America & Caribbean:

  • Costa Rica

  • Cuba

  • Panama

South America:

  • Argentina

  • Brazil

  • Colombia

  • Ecuador


  • Ukraine

West Africa:

  • Liberia

  • Sierra Leone

East Africa:

  • Kenya

  • Tanzania

  • Zanzibar

YOU Can Reach and Disciple the Nations!

Take Action Today

Prepare More Leaders

$10/month trains one leader in a Missio Global School of Ministry!

$30/month = 3 students

$60/month = 6 students

$100/month = 10 students

$250/month = 25 students

Launch a New School

$2,500 will launch a new Missio Global School of Ministry and train leaders for years to come!

This includes training an average of 19 students for a year plus start-up training. (Can be paid $208 a month.)

Plant a New Church

$1,800 plants a church with a trained leader and reaches more people!

Partner with a graduate of a Missio Global School of Ministry to plant a church. (Can be paid $150 a month.)

Translate Material

$10,000 is the typical cost to translate the entire School of Ministry into a new language.

$400 will translate one of the discipleship books. They cost about $2.30 each to print overseas.

Any donations to the translation fund will disciple the nations!

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Join our Global Reach Team by becoming a monthly financial partner or support a project. Thank You!!

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Missio Global

PO Box 17211

Asheville NC 28816

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